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Dana is Craig Thursten's cousin and is on break from UCT.

OccupationCollege Student
LocationRichardson, Texas
Portrayed byKrista Bell


Dana is bored, being home from college. Her cousin Craig shows her an abandoned dump, and they thought it would be funny if they made it look like it was haunted. Dana pulls out her theology textbooks, and with Craig the two of them paint symbols from the texts and a few band symbols. Then they find this guy Murdoch who used to live there so they came up with a story of him killing his daughters during the Great Depression, because there wasn't enough to eat. And now he strings up girls in the cellar. Craig helps her with the rope, and then leaves to go grab a few friends, leaving Dana the job of pretending to be dead when Craig came back. It works like a charm, and the looks on their faces is so funny! But later, a girl really does die in that house.

Dana and Craig created the Mordechai Murdoch legend.

