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Dr. Hydecker works as a pediatric doctor in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. Dr. Hydecker would turn into the shtriga to feed on one child one night, and the sibling the next night. During the day he would "work" and try to give the kids antibiotics, but that wouldn't save them. He's been doing this long enough - their bodies would languish in comas and eventually die.

Dates???? - June 2006
LocationFitchburg, Wisconsin
Portrayed byAdrian Hough


One day in June 2006 two doctors from the Center for Disease Control show up. Dr. Hydecker tells them he was getting ready to call the CDC, but wonders who called before he did. The one doctor says some GP, and they ask about his six cases. He tells them the kids aren't responding to the antibiotics, and their bodies would wear out. The nurse gives him a form to sign, and she talks a bit with the CDC. They are surprised the kids aren't conscious, and go interview the parent of his last admission. He puts in a full day, leaving late at night, telling Betty he'll see her tomorrow.

As the shtriga, he attacks and feeds off of Asher that night.

The next day Asher is admitted to the pediatrics ward. The one doctor from CDC is there, talking on his cell phone, when Dr. Hydecker shows up to check on Asher. He hung up, so Dr. Hydecker stops by to talk with him on the way out of the room, asking if the CDC came up with anything so far? He claims they are working on a few theories, and he'll let the doctor know if they come up with something. Dr. Hydecker claims that nothing is more important than these kids, and let him know if he can help, before he leaves.

As the shtriga, he attacks Asher's brother Michael that night, but things don't go as planned. The CDC guys come in with guns blazing. Pretending to be dead for a bit, he catches the one off guard and throws him away. He then smashes the big one into the wall and on the bed, where he could hold him down. Forcing his mouth open, he begins to drain the life energy from him until the other one interrupts his feeding, shooting him in the head.

After he's dead, Dean shoots him several more times, releasing the life energy.

