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Harry Spangler is a Paranormal Investigator, along with Ed Zeddmore. They had investigated a house when they heard the vase fall off the table. He gets stage fright. He's somewhat of a geek, liking Buffy and Lord of the Rings, plus plays RPGs.

OccupationGhost Hunter
LocationRichardson, Texas
Portrayed byTravis Wester


Harry and Ed heard about Hell House and the ghost Mordechai Murdoch in Hell House. After hearing the story, they post it on their website, One afternoon they head over to Hell House. They smoke a bit of pot, then get to work. They were recording when Dean and Sam burst in, interrupting their shot. Ed explains they are professionals, and Harry tells them about EMF, turning it on and realizing they had it hot. Ed explains their experience about the vase, and Dean and Sam leave to let them get back to work. That night a girl is hanged, so the next night Harry and Ed are bringing their equipment to Hell House. However, someone calls out to the cops, and the boys go running. Eventually they escape the pursuit, and circle back around to the front door. Harry wants to go, but Ed convinces him to stay. Just then Dean and Sam come bursting out of front door, where behind them is the ghost. Harry grabs Ed and take off running. They run into the cops, who put them in a holding cell overnight. Harry even had to pee in the cell urinal, in front of people!

The next day Harry is declaring he will NOT go back, even when Ed declares Harry is a ghost hunter, and WWBD? (What Would Buffy Do?) Dean and Sam come by to try to get them to close down their website, which Ed agrees once Sam hands over new information about Mordechai. They don't shut it down, they upload it, which unfortunately causes their site to crash from the traffic. That night they join Sam and Dean, who almost shoot them, in Hell House. They only want a movie and book deal. They crowd behind Dean and Sam, and when Mordechai comes crashing through, Ed records Dean and Sam emptying their guns into the ghost. Harry goes to check the camera, only Mordechai attacks the camera. Dean demands if they posted their story, but Harry tells them their server crashed. Harry decides they are leaving, and grabs Ed, only they run into Mordechai again. With the door locked, Harry whispers Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, ready to die, but Sam comes in and fights with the ghost, allowing them both to escape.

The next morning Harry and Ed get a phone call from a very important Hollywood producer, who had read all about Hell House on their website and wants to option the motion picture rights, maybe let Harry and Ed write it, and create the RPG. Harry and Ed spend all day packing and getting ready to move out to California, grocery shopping right before they leave. On the way back to their camper, Dean and Sam were hanging out. Harry proudly tells them the good news. They climb into the car, wave, and drive off. Sometime later the smell in the car requires them to strip the car bare, and they find a dead fish in their backseat!


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