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Missouri Moseley is a psychic for many years. Right after the fire that took Mary Winchester, John connected with her and she helped him see behind the curtain, so to speak.

LocationLawrence, Kansas
Portrayed byLoretta Devine


On March 29, 2006 Missouri had just finished doing a reading on a male customer - she told him his wife was crazy about him, but in reality she was banging the gardener - when she confronts Sam and Dean Winchester. Bringing them back to her "office", she relishes seeing them once more, especially Dean, since he was one goofy-looking kid, but they grew up handsome. As she grabs Sam's hand, she realizes about his girlfriend dying, and that their father is missing. Dean demands to know where their dad is, but she's not a magician to pull facts out of thin air! She invites them to sit - although she warns Dean not to put his foot on her coffee table or she'll whack him with a spoon! They wanted to know about John, how they first met. Missouri tells them that it was a few days after the fire when John first came around. He'd been hoping she could feel the echoes, the fingerprints, of what had killed his wife. She didn't know what it was, only that it was evil.

She realizes that they think something is back in the house, but she doesn't see how, since there were no strange deaths or freak accidents. Sam just felt that something was starting. Missouri agrees to go with them to the house and see what she can sense.

When they arrive, Jenny is upset and Missouri cuts to the point by telling her there's something in the house to hurt Jenny and her babies, and they can help. Jenny allows them in, and Missouri scans Sairie's bedroom, or what used to be Sam's nursery. Dean pulls out an EMF meter, which she scoffs at, but she is able to read the echoes of more than one spirit. Neither of the spirits are what killed their mother, but the wound that the evil left in the house so many years ago got infected with a poltergeist. She couldn't quite make out the second energy, but she had a plan to cleanse the house.

Back home, she pulls out certain ingredients, and she instructs the boys how to make bags that they will put in each corner of the house, on each floor. They have to make a hole in the wall to put the bags in. And they will have to work fast, because the spirit will not want them to finish.

Missouri convinces Jenny to take the kids to a movie, and they move quickly to finish before they get back. She takes the basement, finding a hole in the wall just before the dresser is sent to pin her against the wall. Some time later the boys finish their respective jobs, and the spirit is banished so she is able to push the dresser away and come up to the kitchen. Sam is wondering if everything is over, and Missouri assures him that it is. Jenny and the kids come back, but Missouri tells her not to worry and sends Dean to clean up the mess. She also knows he's cussing at her in his mind, and she snaps at him for it. After everything is cleaned up, Missouri and the boys leave. She goes home.

The next day she is called to double check the house once more, for it seems that the boys had some excitement the previous night in getting Jenny and her babies out of the house. It also seems that Mary Winchester was the other spirit, and she gave herself up and between the poltergeist and Mary's spirits, they cancelled each other out. She had to give the bad news to Sam, that his mother was no longer in that house. She marvels at Sam's abilities - he could sense something was wrong even when she couldn't. The boys leave, as she calls to them to not be strangers, and she watches them drive away. Heading back home, she wonders that Sam's abilities didn't sense his own father - who was sitting in her living room. John never said a word to his boys, which she fusses at him for - they were worried about him! - but John tells her that he can't see them, not until he knows the truth.


