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Pad of Definitions

1.15 The Benders, Official Website

A being that cannot be described as human, the phantom attacker harasses its victims, taking away their sense of security. The victims describe these encounters as traumatic, because what assaulted them was strange, unusual, and obviously not human. Those who have been attacked live with a horrifying fear that cannot be explained. Famous phantom attackers include the Mothman, shadow people, the Springheeled Jack, and the chupacabra.

Pad of Definitions

1.15 The Benders, Official Website

Also known as the Mad Gasser this phantom attacker sprayed paralyzing and nauseating gasses into people's homes during the night. The victims were unable to move for approximately forty minutes and extremely nauseous. The gasser was described as a man, or a woman dressed like a man, wearing all black and sprayed gas that smelled like flowers. The police received over a dozen calls in response to this attacker and at least twenty-nine victims, who were predominately female. The Phantom Gasser was never found.


"Mad Gasser of Mattoon." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 9 July 2015. Web. 9 July 2015. Wikipedia.

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon (also known as the "Anesthetic Prowler", Friz, the "Phantom Anesthetist", the "Mad Gasser of Roanoke", or simply the "Mad Gasser") was the name given to the person or people believed to be responsible for a series of apparent gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, during the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, during the mid-1940s.

Whether the attacks were anything more than a case of mass hysteria, if the individual reports were connected, and the ultimate explanation for the events all remain debated.