Shadow Back to List Episode Page Something Wicked


  1. Previously
  2. Prologue
  3. Supernatural
    1. Interviews
    2. The Hell House
    3. Research
  4. Act Two
    1. The Hell House
    2. Interviewing Craig Again
  5. Act Three
    1. Itching Powder
    2. Planting a Story
  6. Act Four
    1. The End of the Tulpa
  7. Act Five
    1. One Last Prank
  8. End Credits


Dean (voiceover): Previously on Supernatural...
All scenes from 1.01 Pilot until otherwise noted.
Childhood home from Lawrence, Kansas, at night.

Screen goes to a negative image of the house, before it goes to black.
Mary: Sammy!
Mary runs up the stairs, and then into Sam's nursery. The picture flashes to black and white.
Screen goes to black.
John gives baby Sam to Dean.

John: Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Go!
John looks back.
From 1.02 Wendigo, Sam, crying, looking down at Jessica's gravestone.
From 1.03 Dead in the Water, Dean turns to face the army toys that Sam has focused on.

Dean (voiceover): Dad's on a hunting trip.
Sam yanks Dean backwards into the hotel room.
At first, it's a negative image. In Sam's apartment, Dean speaks to Sam and Jess.

Dean: And he hasn't been home in a few days.
Sam, in his apartment, looking at Dean.
Sheriff throws John's journal down on the interrogation table in front of Dean.
Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): This is Dad's book.
Sheriff is opening the pages to show Dean.
Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): I think he wants us to pick up
From 1.03 Dead in the Water, Lucas playing, and being pulled into the lake.
Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): where he left off. You know,
From 1.02 Wendigo, Dean talking with Sam.
Dean: -saving people.
A flash of light, then Dean shooting Constance through the Impala window. A closer look at Dean, as he is coming over to the Impala.
From 1.06 Skin, Sam swinging at Shapeshifter Dean, as he ducks backwards.

Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): Hunting
Possessed car coming at the boys on the bridge.
Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): things.
From 1.09 Home, Sam is grabbed and thrown backwards by the poltergeist.
Dean (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): The family business.
From 1.05 Bloody Mary, Dean smashing the mirror to save Sam.
From 1.02 Wendigo, Sam talking with Dean.

Sam: I gotta find Dad.
Sam is shining a flashlight on a map.
Sam (voiceover from 1.02 Wendigo): It's the only thing I can think about.
Impala driving down a road in the evening, one headlight out after crashing through Constance's house.
Screen goes to black.


Richardson, Texas
Two Months Ago

Three guys, one holding a flashlights, and a girl, squish along a muddy path. Sounds of crickets are heard.
James: Come on man, is it much further? I'm cold.
Craig: It should be just up here.
Girl: Whoa.
Craig: There we go.
Guy 2: How'd you find this place anyway, Thursten?
A deserted cabin comes into focus through the mist.
Craig: My cousin told me about it.
Girl: Oh, I am so not going in there.
Craig: Oh, wusses. We came all the way out here, might as well check it out.
James: Let's just hurry this up and get back to the car, all right? It's freakin' cold out here.
Craig and James move ahead.
Guy 2: (to girl) You want me to hold your hand?
Girl thinks about it then takes his hand with a hard smack.
Guy 2: Are there... any other parts I can hold?
Girl: Eww!
Girl hits Guy 2.
Girl: Shut up, you loser.
She drops his hand and walks ahead of him. Guy 2 laughs with his arms wide in a shrug.
Guy 2: Well, come on! What?!
The four of them head towards the front door - Craig, James, Girl, Guy 2.

The flashlight shows weird symbols on the floor and walls. The door creaks open, then shut. Someone scoffs.
Guy 2: No way. Look at all this stuff...
Craig: Come on. It's this way.
James, Guy 2, and Girl, who is looking at everything, follow Craig into another room.

Single file they walk along, looking around. Craig, James, Guy 2, and finally Girl.
Craig: They say that it lives in the root cellar. It goes after girls. Always girls. It just... strings 'em up.
James: "They say"? Who's "they"? Where'd you hear this crap?
Craig: I told you, my cousin.
James: And where'd she hear it?
Craig: I don't know. She just heard it.
James smirks and shakes his head.
James: Whatever. Gimme that thing.
He grabs the flashlight. He opens the door to the basement and goes downstairs. Guy 2 shrugs and follows. Girl sighs, and follows slowly. Last to follow is Craig, also slowly, as he looks around.

The rest of the group stands on the creaky stairs as Guy 2 taunts everyone.
James: Ooooh look. It's the evil root cellar. You know where Satan cans all his vegetables. Get your candy asses down here and see for yourselves. It's just a basement full of... skank-filled jars in some crap farmhouse. I don't see anything scary.
The rest of the group joins him and look around. They freeze. He shines the flashlight up under his chin, throwing his face in highlights.
James: Do you?
He laughs. They are looking over his shoulder, terrified.
James: What?
He drops his joking around, confused.
James: What? What is it?
He slowly turns around, shining his flashlight. There is a pair of legs, so he shines it upwards. Dana hangs from the rafters, as if dead. He screams.



"Fire of Unknown Origin" by Blue Oyster Cult starts to play. The Impala cruises past a sign: Big Texas Towing and Salvage yard. Impala's lights are on, and the day is dreary. The road is wet.
Interstate 35
Present Day

Dean is driving.


Music:Swept to ruin off my wavelength
swallowed her up
He looks over and sees Sam sleeping with his mouth open, snoring slightly. He reaches down for something.
Dean gently places a plastic spoon in Sam's mouth.
Music:Like the ocean in a fire
Music:So thick and gray
Grinning, he reaches down and flips open his phone and takes a photo. Grinning maniacally, he then turns the music up loud.
Dean: (singing) Fire... of unknown origins...
Sam jerks up, realises something is in his mouth, panics and waves his arms as he spits it out.
Dean: (singing) took my baby away!
Dean air drums along to the song on the steering wheel then looks over, grinning as Sam wipes his mouth.
Credit:Guest Starring
(Harry Spangler)
Sam turns down the music.
Sam: Ha ha, very funny.
Credit:A.J. BUCKLEY (Ed Zeddmore)
Dean: Heh heh heh. Sorry, not a lot of scenery
Credit:SHANE MEIER (Craig Thursten)
Music:Death come driving - I can't do nothing!
Dean: here in East Texas, kinda gotta make your own.
Dean is still chuckling.
Sam: Man we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not going to start that crap up again.
Music:Death goes
Dean: Start what up?
Sam: That prank stuff. It's stupid, and it always escalates.
Dean: Aw, what's the matter Sammy? Afraid you're going
Credit:Supervising Producer
Music:There must be something
Dean: to get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?
Sam looks over at Dean, frustrated.
Credit:Co-Executive Producer
Music:There must be something
Sam: All right, just remember you started it.
Dean: Oh ho. Bring it on baldy.
Credit:Co-Executive Producer
Sam looks out the window, grumpy.
Sam: Where are we, anyway?
Dean: A few hours outside of Richardson.
Credit:Executive Producer
Dean: Gimme the lowdown again?
Sam grabs the paper off the dashboard to read.
Credit:Produced by
Sam: (reading) All right, about a month or two ago, this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house.
Music:Death comes driving - I can't do nothing!
Credit:Created by
Dean: Haunted by what?
Sam: Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend goes,
Credit:Written by
Music:Death goes
Sam: it takes girls... and strings them up in the rafters.
Credit:Directed by
Sam: Anyway this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar.
Dean: Anybody ID the corpse?
Music:There must be something
Sam: Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there, the body was gone. So cops are saying the kids were just yanking chains.
Music:There must be something that remains
Dean: Maybe the cops are right.
Sam: Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids' firsthand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere.
Dean: Where'd you read these accounts?
Sam is a little embarrassed.
Music:A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
Sam: Well, I knew we were going to be passing through Texas. So, uh, last night, I surfed some local...
Sam takes a breath and says quickly.
Sam: paranormal websites. (normally) And I found one.
Music:A fire of unknown origin
Dean: And what's it called?
Music:took my baby away
Sam chuckles, finally answering Dean's question.
Dean half rolls his eyes.
Dean: Lemme guess, streaming live out of Mom's basement.
Sam is grinning.
Sam: Yeah, probably.
Dean: Yeah. Most of those websites wouldn't know a ghost if it bit 'em in the persqueeter.
Dean glances at Sam. Sam turns serious.
Sam: Look. We let Dad take off. Which - was a mistake, by the way. And now we don't know where the hell he is, so meantime we gotta find ourselves something to hunt. There's no harm checking this thing out.
Dean: All right. So where do we find these kids?
Sam: Same place you always find kids in a town like this.

"Burnin' for You" by Blue Oyster Cult is playing. The Impala pulls up and turns off her engine. Alternating snippets of the people that were at the Hell House being interviewed. James is at outside table. Guy 2 is through the serving hatch. Girl is at inside table.
James (voiceover): It was the scariest thing I ever
James: saw in my life, I swear to God.
Guy 2: From the moment we walked in, the walls were painted black.
James: Red.
Girl: I think it was blood.
James: All these freaky symbols.
Guy 2: Crosses and stars and...
James: Pentagons.
Guy 2: Pentacostals.
Girl: Whatever. I had my eyes closed the whole time.
James: But I can damn sure tell you this much. No matter what anybody else says...
Girl: That poor girl.
Music:Home in the valley
Guy 2: With the black...
James: Blonde...
Girl: Red hair, just-just-just hanging there.
James: Kicking!
Music:Home in the city
Guy 2: Without even moving.
Girl: She was real.
Music:Home isn't pretty
James: One hundred percent.
Guy 2: And kinda hot.
After a short pause.
Music:Ain't no home for me
Guy 2: Well, you know, in a dead sort of way.
Dean: Okay!
Dean's eyebrows raised and he chuckles, then rolls his head towards Sam.
Sam: And... how'd you find out about this place anyway?
All three sitting together now at an indoor table. They answer in unison.
Girl: Craig.
Guy 2: Craig.
James: Craig took us.

"Slow Death" by Zach Tempest is playing. Sam and Dean enter. Craig is walking out to the floor.
Craig: Gentlemen. Can I help you with anything?
Sam: Yeah, are you Craig Thursten?
Craig: I am.
Dean: Well, we're reporters with the Dallas Morning News. I'm Dean, this is Sam.
Craig: No way. Huh. Yeah, I'm-I'm a writer too. I write for my school's lit magazine.
Dean: Ah, good for you Morrissey.
Sam: Umm. We're doing an article on local hauntings, and rumor has it you might know about one.
Craig: You mean the Hell House?
Dean: That's the one.
Craig: I didn't think there was anything to the story.
Sam: Why don't you tell us the story?
As Craig talks, he's walking back to behind the counter. Sam follows and listens. Dean, however, looks through the record collection.
Craig: Well, supposedly back in the '30s this farmer, Mordechai Murdoch, used to live in the house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn't have enough money to even feed his own children. So I guess that's when he went off the deep end.
Sam: How?
Dean walks over to join them.
Craig: Well, he figured... it was best if his girls died quick, rather than starve to death. So he attacked 'em. They screamed, begged for him to stop but... he just strung 'em up, one after another. And when he was all finished he just turned around and hung himself. Now they say that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside.
Dean: And where'd you hear all this?
Craig: My cousin Dana told me. I don't know where she heard it from. Ya gotta realize, I didn't believe this for a second.
Sam: But now you do.
Craig: I don't know what the hell to think, man. You guys, I-I'll tell you exactly what I told the police, okay? That girl was real. And she was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don't wanna go anywhere near that house, ever again, okay?
Sam turns to face Dean, and they share a look.
Dean: Thanks.
Sam, then Dean, turns to head out. Scene fades out.


Scene fades in. The old house is sitting in a clearing, with fog around it, on the cloudy day. Sam and Dean slush up the muddy path to the house.
Sam: Can't say I blame the kid.
Dean: Yeah, so much for curb appeal.
They continue to slush up to the house. A crow is cawing.

Sam is looking in the window, then turns around and sloshs back toward Dean who is holding the EMF, which is making sounds. Dean taps the EMF.
Sam: You got something?
Dean: Ye-ah. But the EMF's no good.
Sam: Why?
Dean gestures at overhead power lines.
Dean: I think that thing's still got a little juice in it. It's screwin' with all the readings.
Sam sighs. Dean puts away the meter.
Sam: Yeah that'd do it.
Dean: Yeah. Come on, let's go.
The sky is darker, thunder is heard. They head inside.

There is a symbol, with candles under it. The camera pans over to the boys walking in and starting to look around. Dean whistles. The camera pans over the symbols.
Dean: Looks like old man Murdoch was a bit of a tagger during in his time.
Sam: And after his time too. The reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries but this sigil of sulfur didn't show up in San Francisco until the '60s.
Dean stares at Sam.
Sam: Huh.
Sam takes a picture with his cell phone.
Dean: Exactly why you never get laid.
Sam gives him an uncomfortable look, before shaking his head. Dean moves to the other wall.
Dean: Hey what about this one, you seen this one before?
Dean looks at the symbol, then turns his head sideways, checking it out. It is a cross with a dot in the middle. The bottom stroke looks like an upside-down question mark.
Sam: No.
Sam walks over and takes a picture of it with his camera.
Dean: I have. Somewhere.
Sam slowly reaches out and rubs the symbol.
Sam: It's paint. Seems pretty fresh too.
Dean: I don't know Sam. I mean I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind, but... them cops might be right about this one.
Sam: Yeah, maybe.
Sam holds up his camera to take another picture. A sudden noise has them on alert. They take up positions either side of a door. Dean nods and they bust through, Dean first. Bright lights shine in their eyes, throwing them off-balance.
Ed: God.
Everyone is breathing heavy and sighing, trying to relax.
Ed: Ah.
Harry: Ag.
Ed: Ugh, cut. It's just a couple of humans.
Harry holds a small electrical gadget, Ed, a camera, which he switches off.
Ed: What are you guys doing here?
Dean: What they hell are you doing here?
Ed: Ah-ha-ha. We belong here, we're professionals?
Dean: Professional what?
Ed: Paranormal Investigators.
He hands them both business cards.
Ed: There you go. Take a look at that, boys.
Dean: Oh you gotta be kidding me.
Dean's glance sharply up at Ed, who's smiling.
Sam: Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler?
Harry: Yep.
Sam: You guys run that website.
Ed: Yeah.
Dean: Oh yeah, yeah, we're huge fans.
Dean walks to the other side of the room.
Ed: And ahh, we know who you guys are too.
Dean turns around sharply, and Sam looks at Ed sharply.
Sam: Oh yeah?
Ed clears his throat.
Ed: Amateurs.
Dean immediately loses interest, turning back to the cabinets.
Ed: Lookin' for ghosts and cheap thrills.
Harry: Yep. So if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here.
Dean: Yeah, what do you got so far?
Ed: Harry, why doncha tell 'em about EMF?
Harry: Well...
Sam's playing dumb and trying not to smile.
Sam: EMF?
Harry: Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can... cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here.
He turns it on. Dean smirks at Sam.
Harry: Whoa. Whoa. It's 2.8mg.
Ed: 2.8. It's hot in here.
Dean whistles in admiration.
Sam: Wow.
Sam is acting impressed, looking at Dean.
Dean: Huh. So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or...?
Ed: Once. We were, uh... we were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table...
Harry: By itself.
Ed: Well, we-we-we-we didn't actually... actually see it, we heard it.
Dean is shaking his head, dropping it.
Ed: And something like that... it uh... (whispers) it changes you.
Dean: Yeah. I think I get the picture. We should go, let them get back to work.
Dean crosses back across the kitchen.
Ed: Yeah, you should.
Dean: Sam.
Ed: Yeah, work.
Sam and Dean leave.
Ed: I'm sorry. That pot we smoked gave me the giggles. Hmm. Whew!
Ed turns around to get back to work. Scene fades out.


Scene fades in. Heritage Hall sign at the top, and the camera pans down to Collin County Public Library sign over the doors. Sam exits. Car horn honks. He checks both ways, then comes down the stairs as Dean approaches.
Sam: Hey.
Dean: Hey. What you got?
Sam turns and walks with Dean down the sidewalk. Sam opens his notes to read and show Dean. Dean looks over at them.
Sam: Well, I couldn't find a Mordechai but I did turn up a Martin Murdoch who lived in that house in the '30s.
Sam puts his journal away.
Sam: He did have children, but only two of 'em, both boys. And there's no record he ever killed anyone.
Dean: Huh.
Sam: What about you?
They have reached the Impala and stand talking over the top of it.
Dean: Well, ah, those kids didn't really give us a clear description of that dead girl but I did hit up the police station. No matching missing persons. It's like she never existed. Dude, come on, we did our digging, man. This one's a bust. All right? For all we know those HellHound boys made up the whole thing.
Sam looks away, thinking for a minute. He sighs, and capitulates.
Sam: Yeah all right.
Dean: I say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend to the locals.
Dean gets into the car. Sam leans down, a slight smirk on his face, to look in the window. Dean turns the key in the ignition. Latino salsa music blasts from the speakers. Dean rears back.
Dean: WHOA!
When Dean tries to turn it off, he hits the wipers on.
He quickly reaches to turn everything off. He's got a disgusted look on his face.

Dean: What the...
Sam gets in, smiling and laughing. He licks his finger and marks an imaginary '1' in the air then points to himself. Dean gives him a dirty look.
Dean: That's all you got? That's weak. That is bush league.
The Impala pulls away.

Two girls and a guy approach the house.
Guy 3: This is it. The point of no return.
Jill: Why do I have to go in there?
Girl 2: Because, Jill, you chose dare instead of truth. Which means you either have to grab a jar from Mordechai's cellar and bring it back or...
Guy 3: ...or you can make out with me.
Jill gives them both a dirty look.
Jill: I'll take the homicidal ghost, thanks.
She turns on her flashlight. James and Girl 2 watch Jill as she slowly approaches the house, leaving the other two behind. She steps up on the porch, slowly making her way to the front door.
Guy 3: Would you ever take that dare?
Girl 2 scoffs.
Girl 2: Hell no!

Jill cautiously moves inside. She's breathing heavily, scared. Her flashlight plays over one of the symbols. There is a noise like knives hitting something and she freezes.
Jill: H-hello? H-hello? Is anybody there?
She flashes the flashlight around, and starts walking once more. The camera refocuses over some hanging chicken feet. Jill makes her way to the next room, opening the creaking door. Crossing that room cautiously, she unlocks and opens the next creaky door before stepping through.

Jill carefully walks down the steps, looks around, and moves toward the jars. She takes one, but hears the door being slammed shut. Whirling, she drops the jar, panicked.
Jill: Okay.
Jill is panting fast. She's backing up and looking around.
Jill: Okay. Okay-okay-okay.
She's trying to calm herself down, although she's still scared. She turns and sees Mordechai. He throws a rope around her neck and she screams and fights. Her glasses fall, and get trampled on by Mordechai, who is growling. Jill keeps screaming as she is hoisted in the air. She's fighting for air, and losing. In the last shot she is dead. The screen goes black.



Police and coroner vehicles are parked, and men move around. The girl's body is bought out on a stretcher. Indistinguishable voices are heard, as the men are doing their jobs. Camera flash. Dean and Sam approach a man standing outside.
Cop: All right. Hold on one second, Mr. Goodwin.
The cop moves off.
Dean: What happened?
Mr. Goodwin: A coupla cops say that poor girl hung herself in the house.
Shock on Sam and Dean's faces.
Sam: Suicide?
Mr. Goodwin: Yeah. But she was a straight A student, with a full ride to UT, too. It just don't make sense.
He walks away. The boys turn their attention to the body on the stretcher.
Sam: Whaddaya think?
Dean turns to face Sam.
Dean: I think maybe we missed something.
They turn to face the house. Scene fades out.

Scene fades in. A police car is parked outside, two cops walk around. Talking over the radio is heard faintly. Sam and Dean crouch in the bushes. Sam huffs.
Sam: I guess the cops don't want any more kids screwin' around in there.
Dean: Yeah, but we still gotta get in there.
Harry: Ow!
Dean hears whispers and looks over from their hiding place.
Dean: I don't believe it.
Sam spins around to look. Ed and Harry are approaching: hunched over, wearing all sorts of gadgets. They are whispering.
Harry: I said we need to check last night's specs.
Ed: Did not.
Harry: I did to.
Dean: I got an idea.
Ed: Shh. Shh.
Harry: Fine.
Dean rises slightly, turns towards the cops and cups a hand to his mouth.
Dean: Who ya gonna call!
Ed: Wha...
Sheriff: Hey!
Ed: What's that?
Sheriff: You!
There is a muddled mixture of voices.
Sheriff: Freeze.
Ed: Oh, oh - Run! Come on!
Sheriff: Get back here!
Harry and Ed: Come on - Come on!
Sheriff: Hey! Stop!
Harry and Ed: Come on here, come on!
Sheriff: Hey!
The cops chase Ed and Harry back down the path. Smiling, Sam and Dean make a break for the house.

Dean opens the door, Sam slips inside, Dean shuts it. Once inside Sam breaks out the shotguns from the bag he'd been carrying, handing one to Dean. Dean turns on a flashlight. All of this done very efficiently, silently, deadly.
Dean: Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killin' me!
Dean pauses by the symbol, to look at it again.
Sam: Come on, we don't have much time.
They head out of the room.

They go down to the basement and look around. Dean spies the jars and picks one up for a closer look. The pale red liquid sloshes around inside.
Dean: Hey Sam. I dare you to take a swig of this.
Sam: What the hell would I do that for?
Dean smiles at Sam.
Dean: ...I double dare you.
Dean smiles back at Sam. Sam just shakes his head. A noise has them both on alert. Dean places the jar down and they move toward the cabinet, shotguns ready. At Dean's nod Sam opens the door. Rats squeak and run from the flashlight. Sam laughs. Dean lifts his feet.
Dean: Arghh! I hate rats.
Sam: You'd rather it was a ghost?
Dean: Yes.
Behind Sam's head we can see Mordechai has appeared. Sam and Dean realise at the same time and swing around to see Mordechai raising an axe above his head.
Dean: Sam!
Sam shoots him twice but he's still there. Dean shoots him again and he mists away.
Sam: What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?
Dean: I dunno. Come on. Come on - come on!
As they run toward the stairs Mordechai smashes his axe down towards Dean.
Sam: Dean!
Dean dives to the side. The axe catches the shelves instead, bringing the jars crashing down on Dean. Mordechai and Sam begin fighting, as Mordechai growls and brings his axe down, and Sam catches it with his shotgun.
Sam: Go! Get outta here!! Aaaah!
Dean heads up the steps. Sam twists his shotgun to the side, and is able to get out from under the axe. He turns to scramble up the steps after Dean as Mordechai swings his axe at Sam, missing Sam. Instead he smashes the electrical box and sparks fly everywhere. Mordechai starts running up the stairs after them.

All is quiet. Ed and Harry creep back toward the house, Ed with a video camera. Harry raises his night vision goggles.
Harry: Maybe we should just go.
Ed: No. Would John Edward go? No, we've lost the cops. Let's find our center and get some work done, okay? All right?
Harry nods, sliding his night vision goggles back down. As they approach the porch, Ed's camera raised, Dean and Sam burst out. Harry raises his goggles back to the top of his head. They fall through the emergency tape and roll down the steps, spring immediately to their feet and keep running.
Dean: Get that damn thing outta my face!
Sam: Go-go-go-go!
Ed and Harry are still facing the door and see Mordechai lurk. Harry reaches up and takes off the goggles.
Ed: Sweet Lord...
Harry: ...of the Rings. RUN!!!
Harry is terrified. He grabs Ed's jacket shoulder and starts to push him and run at the same time.
Ed: Wha? No!
Harry: GO GO GO!
Ed: Wait!
They run straight into the arms of the cops.
Ed: Look it!
Harry: There's a... look! There's a man... over there... where'd he go?
Cops grab their collars.
Sheriff: Boys, come on.
Harry: Wha-Wha- You know, he-he...

A barn-looking motel, with two doors, one blue, one yellow. They each have a cartoon bull face on the door, and a window with the curtains closed and light on. Some snow around the base of the bushes and the concrete bumper in the parking lot. Crickets chirping.

Dean is sitting on the bed drawing the symbol, and contemplating it. Sam is researching at the table. The room is Old West motif. Sam opens his computer and starts typing.
Dean: What the hell is this symbol? It's buggin' the hell outta me. This whole damn job's buggin' me. I thought the legend said Mordechai only goes after chicks.
Sam: It does.
Dean: All right. Well, I mean that explains why he went after you, but why me?
Sam: Hilarious. The legend also says he hung himself but you see those slit wrists?
Dean: Yeah.
Sam: What's up with that? And the axe too. I mean, ghosts are usually pretty strict, right? Following the same patterns over and over?
Dean: But this mook keeps changing.
Sam is looking at Hell Hounds website, and clicks away on his laptop.
Sam: Exactly. I'm telling you, the way the story goes... wait a minute.
Dean: What?
Sam: Someone added a new posting to the Hell Hound site. Listen to this. 'They say Mordechai Murdoch was really a Satanist who chopped up his victims with an axe before slitting his own wrists. Now he's imprisoned in the house for eternity.'
Still staring at the symbol he has drawn, Dean suddenly sits straight up.
Sam: Where the hell is this going?
Dean: I don't know but I think I might have just figured out where it all started.
Sam turns around to look at Dean, who gives a triumphant smile and climbs off the bed. Sam swings around to look at the website once more. He pulls up an old picture of a family of six daughters and their father. As the camera pans across the picture on the laptop, the scene fades out.


"Anthem" by Zach Tempest is playing. Scene fades in. A record player playing a record is shown, before the camera swings up to show Craig is sitting at the counter looking depressed and drinking coffee. He rubs his temples. The bells above the door rings for a customer, and Craig slowly climbs down off his stool to walk around to the floor. He heads in the opposite direction of his customers.
Dean: Hey Craig? Remember us?
He is not wanting to talk, but he turns to face them.
Craig: Guys, look I'm-I'm really not in the mood to answer any more of your questions okay?
Dean: Oh don't worry. We're just here to buy an album, that's all.
Dean flicks through and picks up an album. Dean and Sam approach Craig.
Dean: (to Sam) You know I couldn't figure out what that symbol was, and-and then I realized... that it doesn't mean anything. It's the logo for Blue Oyster Cult.
They reach Craig.
Dean: Tell me Craig, you, uh, you into BOC? Or just scaring the hell outta people?
Dean hands over the album to Craig. He flips it over to the other side, where the symbol is prominently displayed.
Dean: Now why 'n't you tell us about that house... without lying through your ass this time.
Dean gives him a knowing look. Craig looks from one to the other, and gives up. He sighs.
Craig: All right, um. My cousin, Dana, was on break from TCU. Ah, I guess we were just... bored, looking for something to do. So I... showed her this abandoned dump I found. We thought it would be funny if we... made it look like it was haunted. So we painted symbols on the walls. Some from some albums, some from some of Dana's theology textbooks. Then we found out this guy Murdoch used to live there so we...
Craig scoffs.
Craig: We made up some story to go along with that. So... they told people, who told other people. And then these two guys... put it on their stupid website. Everything just... took on a life of its own. I mean I-I thought it was funny at first but... (whispers) now that girl's dead.
Craig huffs.
Craig: It was just a joke. You know, I mean, none of it was real. We made the whole thing up. I swear!
Sam nods. Craig starts sniffling, trying not to cry.
Dean: (softly) All right.
Sam and Dean turn to leave.
Dean: (to Sam) If none of it was real, how the hell do you explain Mordechai?
The screen goes black.



Sounds of the shower running. Dean enters, tosses the keys on the table and closes the door. He realizes that Sam's in the shower, and carefully walks over to Sam's bed, lifting a packet labelled 'Itching Powder'.
Dean: (calls out) Hey, I'm back.
Sam: (from bathroom) Hey, where were you?
Dean opens the packet. The shower stops running.
Dean: Oh, I went out.
Dean picks up Sam's underwear from the bed and shakes the content of the packet onto it.
Sam: So I think I might have a theory about what's going on.
Dean: (still shaking) Oh yeah?
Sam: Yeah. What if Mordechai is a Tulpa?
Dean: Tulpa?
Sam emerges from the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. Dean swings around hastily, stuffing the envelope under his jacket.
Sam: Yeah, a Tibetan thought form.
Dean: Yeah, no, I know what a Tulpa is. Hey, why don't you get dressed? I wanna go grab something to eat.
Dean glances down at Sam's clothes and heads for the bathroom, smiling at Sam as he closes the door. Sam watches Dean enter the bathroom, then turns to pick up his underwear.

"Point of No Return" by Rex Hobart and the Misery Boys plays. Someone is whistling.
Server: There you go gents.
Dean taking their two coffees.
Dean: Thank you.
They make their way to a table, Sam grimacing and adjusting his jeans. Dean watches Sam. Sam stops to grab a sugar packet.
Music:She took me back so many times
Dean: Dude what's your problem?
Music:More than I deserved
Sam: Nothing, I'm fine.
Dean: Yeah?
Sam: Yeah.
Music:She took me back into her open arms
Dean: So, ahhh, so keep going. What about these Tulpas?
They sit down.
Music:And begging her forgiveness
I promised never again
Sam: Okay, ah, so there was this incident in Tibet in 1915. Group of monks visualised a golem in their heads. They meditate on it so hard, they bring the thing to life. Outta thin air.
Dean: So?
Music:To do her any harm
Sam: That was 20 monks. Imagine what 10,000 web surfers could do.
Sam opens his laptop.
Music:But last night I lost control
I crossed the line for good
Sam: I mean Craig starts the story about Mordechai, then it spreads, goes online. Now there are countless people, all believing in the bastard.
Music:Her still heart will never again yearn
Dean: Okay wait a second. You-you trying to tell me that just because people believe in Mordechai, he's real?
Sam is looking uncomfortable.
Sam: I dunno, maybe.
Music:Her cold arms won't welcome me
Dean: People believe in Santa Claus. How come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas?
Sam: Cuz you're a bad person.
Music:And her closed eyes won't tear
Dean considers and agrees.
Sam: And 'cause of this...
Music:I pushed her past the point of no return
Sam turns his laptop, showing Dean a photo of one of the Hell House symbols.
Music:I could blame the liquor
But now it's my only friend
And I could blame my temper or my rage
Sam: That's a Tibetan spirit sigil. On the wall of the house. Craig said they were painting symbols from a theology textbook. I bet they painted this, not even knowing what it was. Now that sigil has been used for centuries, concentrating meditative thoughts like a magnifying glass. So people are on the HellHounds website, staring at the symbol, thinking about Mordechai... I mean I don't know, but it might be enough to bring a Tulpa to life.
Music:I could blame most anything
But the truth is finally clear
Sam grimaces and adjusts himself again.
Dean: It would explain why he keeps changing.
Music:I have locked myself into this cage
Sam: Right. As the legend changes, people think different things, so Mordechai himself changes. Like a game of telephone. That would also explain why the rock salt didn't work.
Music:The point of no return
Dean: Yeah 'cause he's not a traditional spirit, per se.
Sam is still fidgeting.
Sam: Yeah.
Music:Is a lonely lonesome place
Dean: Okay. So why don't we just... uhh... get this spirit sigil thingie off the wall and off the website?
Music:A place reserved for dead and dying fools
Sam: Well it's not that simple. You see, once Tulpas are created they... take on a life of their own.
Sam adjusts himself.
Music:She can't take me back now
But I bet she would
Dean: Great. Alright, so if he really is a thought form, how the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?
Sam still itching and adjusting.
Music:I have passed the point of no return
Sam: Well it's not gonna be easy with these guys helping us. Check out their home page.
Sam shows Dean footage from the previous night.
Sam: Since they've posted the video their number of hits have quadrupled in the last day alone.
Dean: Hmph.
Sam grimaces, itching.
Dean: I got an idea. Come on.
Sam: Where we going?
Dean puts the cap back on his coffee. Sam closes the computer.
Dean: We need to find a copy store.
They rise to go. Sam is itching and jiggling, as he is starting to put the laptop away in the satchel.
Sam: Man, I think I'm allergic to our soap or something.
Dean laughs as he walks away.
Music:The point of no return is a lonely lonesome place
Sam: You did this?
Dean continues laughing.
Sam: You're a friggin' jerk!
Dean: Oh yeah.
Music:A place reserved for dead and dying fools
Sam slides the laptop in the satchel, grabs the strap and his coffee, and heads out after Dean.

An older Mustang with plastic wrap over the windows is seen. Someone is working on another car. A green Chevy pickup drives by from right to left. Several campers are seen.
Harry (voiceover): No, no, no.


Ed and Harry sit in a camper with all their equipment. Harry hit a key on the computer, and backed away.
Harry: No. Forget it. Forget it! I'm not-I'm not going back in there again.
Ed: Harry. Look at me. Right here. Okay? You are a ghost hunter, okay?
Harry: I know. But, Ed, I've never actually seen a real ghost before. Like a real ghost, an apparition!
Ed: This stuff here... this is our ticket to the big time. Fame... money... sex. With girls. Okay? Be brave. Okay. WWBD. What Would Buffy Do. Huh?
Harry: (whispers) What would Buffy do? But Ed, she's stronger than me.
Ed: It's okay.
There is a pounding on the door. Harry jumps a foot in the air and squeals.
Harry: Who is it?
Dean: Come on out here guys, we hear you in there.
Ed: It's them!
Ed and Harry stick their heads out the door.
Dean: Ah, would you look at that! Action figures in their original packaging. What a shock.
Sam: Guys, we need to talk.
Ed, followed by Harry, exit the camper.
Ed: Yeah, um, sorry guys. We're ahhh, we're a little bit busy right now.
Dean: Okay. Well we'll make it quick. We need you to shut down your website.
Dean smiles. Ed fake laughs.
Ed: You know, these guys get us busted last night, spent the night in a holding cell...
Harry: I had to pee in that cell urinal. In front of people. And I get stage fright.
Ed: Why should we trust you guys?
Sam: Look guys. We all know what we saw last night. What's in the house. But now, thanks to your website, there are thousands of people hearing about Mordechai.
Dean: That's right. Which means people are gonna keep showin' up at the Hell House. Runnin' into him in person. Somebody could get hurt.
Ed: Yeah...
Harry: Ed, maybe he's got a point...
Ed: No, no.
Harry: Nope.
Ed: Okay, we have an obligation to our fans, to the truth.
Dean chortles.
Dean: Well I have an obligation to kick both your little asses right now-
Sam: Dean-Dean, hey, hey, just, forget it, all right? These guys... (sigh) you could probably bitch slap them both, I could probably even tell them that thing about Mordechai...
Ed and Harry are interested. Dean is giving Sam the "no" face, giving his head a slight shake.
Sam: But... they're still not gonna help us.
Ed: Aw now.
Sam: Let's just go.
Harry: Whoa... whoa...
Dean: Yeah, you're right.
Sam and Dean start to walk away with smirks on their faces, Ed and Harry trailing behind.
Harry: No no no no no. Wait, wait.
Ed: What you say about...?
Harry: Hang on a second here.
Ed: Wait... wait.
Harry: Yeah, what-what-what thing about Mordechai, you guys?
Dean looks down. Winchesters are still walking.
Dean: Don't tell 'em Sam.
Sam: But if they agree to shut the website down, Dean.
Dean: They're not going to do it! You said so yourself.
Ed: No wait. Wait. Don't listen to him, okay? We'll do it.
The brothers have almost reached the Impala, and turn to look at each other, considering.
Ed: We'll do it.
Dean: It's a secret, Sam.
Dean tilts his head. Sam gives in, turning back to Ed and Harry while Dean turns away in disgust.
Sam: Look, it is a really big deal all right? And it wasn't easy to dig up.
Dean turns to face them. Sam is serious.
Sam: So only if we have your word that you'll shut everything down.
Ed: Totally.
Ed smiles, trying to be sincere. Dean raises his eyebrows, tilting his head.
Sam: All right.
Dean pulls it out of his jacket, unfolds it, and hands them the paper.
Sam: It's a death certificate. From the '30s. We got it at the library. Now according to the coroner, the actual cause of death... was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Dean: That's right. He didn't hang or cut himself.
Harry: (disbelieving) He shot himself?
Sam: Yep. With a .45 pistol. To this day they say he's terrified of 'em.
Dean: Matter of fact they say if you shoot him with a .45, loaded with these-these special wrought-iron rounds, you can kill the sonuvabitch.
Harry stands there with his mouth open in shock. Ed sniggers gleefully. Harry spins and bolts back toward the camper, Ed follows more slowly. Ed whispers.
Ed: Harry. Slow your roll buddy. They're gonna know we're excited.
A bell is rung.

"Fast Train Down" by The Waco Brothers is playing. There is a waitress who hands over an order. There is a counter with a few customers. The camera pans over to where Sam and Dean sit in a booth, against the wall. Sam's looking at his laptop. Dean reaches up to the 3D artwork of a fisherman holding a big fish and pulls the cord. The fisherman's mouth moves up and down and an extremely annoying laugh plays. Sam pulls the cord to stop it.
Music:On my way out on a west bound train
Sam: If you pull that string one more time, I'm gonna kill you.
Dean, deadpan, stares at Sam while pulling the cord again. Sam immediately stops it, glaring at Dean. Dean snickers. Sam yanks up his beer to drink.
Music:I gets in my blood, honey, it gets in my brain
Dean: Come on man, you need more laughter in your life. You know, you're way too tense.
Sam gives Dean another dirty look. Dean sighs.
Dean: Did they post it yet?
Music:They say all that you need is a dollar and a dream
Sam moves the laptop around so Dean can see it and stabs at his salad angrily.
Dean: (reading) We've learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdoch has a fatal fear of firearms. All right. How long do we wait?
Music:Well, life time is such a long time away
Sam closes the laptop.
Sam: Long enough for the new story to spread, and the legend to change. I figure by nightfall iron rounds will work on the sucker.
Sam holds his beer out to Dean, who lifts his own and taps it.
Music:From the shores of the Atlantic
Dean: Sweet.
Dean takes a long drink and Sam starts snickering. Dean goes to put the bottle down but it is stuck to his hand. Sam cracks up as Dean stares at it, confused.
Music:To that evil desert town
Sam: Aaah!
Dean: You didn't.
Sam laughs and holds up super glue.
Sam: Oh, I did!
Music:Fourteen horses pull us forward
Sam nods his head. Dean shakes his hand while Sam, laughing, pulls the string to set the fisherman laughing again. Sam continues to laugh. The screen goes to black.



The fisherman laughs. The sound of crickets. The camera pans down from the treetops to show the two cops are searching the area with their flashlights.
Sheriff: I'm telling ya, I heard something. Coming from over there.
The noise of the fisherman laughing can be heard.
Sheriff: See? See? There it is again.
Again the fisherman laughing can be heard.
Sheriff: What is that?
They find the fisherman stuck in a tree, laughing.
Sheriff: What the-?
They watch the fisherman laughing, before the Sheriff looks around.

Shadows of Sam, then Dean, run by the windows and prepare to enter. Dean, and then Sam, enter the house on alert, guns drawn, and begin a methodical search, staying back to back. Dean had a flashlight in one hand, propping his gun up. Dean uses his foot to kick the door shut, before moving further into the room. Dean readjusts his gun hand.
Dean: (frustrated) I barely have any skin left on my palm.
Sam: I ain't touching that line with a ten foot pole.
Dean shines his flashlight in Sam's face until he winces, then moves into the other room. Sam follows, covering Dean's back. They prepare to enter the next room, standing on either side of the door. Dean kicks the door in, and heads in first. Sam quickly follows, as Dean sweeps left Sam goes right. They end up facing the cellar's door.
Dean: You think old Mordechai's home?
Sam: I don't know.
Ed: (from behind) Me either.
Sam and Dean spin, pointing their guns at Ed and Harry, who throws up their hands.
Ed: WHOA!! WHOA! Hey, whoa.
Sam pulls his gun. Ed pulls the night goggles up.
Sam: What are you trying to do, get yourself killed?
Ed: We're just trying to get a book and movie deal, okay?
From the basement comes the sound of knives being sharpened. Sam and Dean are immediately back on alert. Ed and Harry crowd in close behind Sam and Dean with their camera.
Ed: Oh crap.
More sound of knives being sharpened, as the camera goes in close to the cellar door.
Ed: Ah guys, you wanna... you wanna open that door for us?
Dean: Why don't you?
A pop is heard, then Mordechai bursts through the door holding an axe and screaming. Sam and Dean empty their gun chambers. He holds on, then wavers and disappears into mist. Sam and Dean wait a beat, then Dean motions for them to ensure the other rooms are clear. Ed is holding the camera.
Ed: Oh. Oh God. Oh God. He's gone. Oh, he's gone. Oh.
Harry: Did you get him?
Ed: Oh yeah, they got him.
Harry: No, on camera, did you get him on camera?
Ed: Ah, ah, I...
Harry: Let me see it, let me see it.
Harry takes the camera and flips it open. Mordechai appears, slams his axe through the camera. Harry falls to the ground, and Mordechai disappears again. Dean runs in.
Ed: Oh! Oh.
Dean: Hey.
Harry gets up, as Ed is holding onto him. Sam appears in the other door, gun at the ready.
Dean: Didn't you guys post that B.S. story we gave you?
Ed: Of course we did.
Harry: Yeah, but then our server crashed.
Sam realizes they're screwed, leaning back against the wall.
Ed: Yeah.
Dean: So it didn't take?
Ed: Uh...
Dean: So these, these guns don't work.
Ed: Yeah.
Dean: Great.
Dean smiles, and looks over at his brother.
Dean: Sam, any ideas?
Sam shrugs his shoulders, uncocks the hammer on his gun, and straightens up to put away his gun.
Harry: We are getting outta here.
Ed: Yeah.
Ed looks over at Sam.
Harry: Come on, Ed.
Harry grabs Ed. Harry and Ed run past Dean to the other room, where Mordechai appears ahead of them, holding his axe across the chest, growling at them.
Harry: Ah!! Ah!! Okay! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Screaming, they run to the back door but it is locked. Mordechai follows them.
Harry: (whispers) Mother Mary and Joseph.
Ed: (whispers) The power of Christ compels you. (yelling) THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!
Harry closes his eyes and turns his head.
Sam: HEY!
Sam runs up behind them. Mordechai slowly turns around.
Sam: Come and get it, you ugly son of a bitch.
Mordechai swings his axe, and Sam ducks. The axe imbeds itself into the wall, and takes a couple of tries to pull it free. He swings his axe once more, but Sam grabs the axe to stop it. They wrestle with the axe until Mordechai pins Sam against the wall, axe handle across his throat. Sam turns to Ed and Harry.
Sam: Get out of here, now!
Ed: We're out of here.
Harry and Ed run past Mordechai and Sam, heading into the other room. Mordechai shoves the axe up hard under Sam's throat. Dean is in the kitchen splashing kerosene everywhere. Mordechai lifts Sam off his feet with the pressure of the axe at his throat; Mordechai growling and Sam gasping for air. Sam is fighting for air, and losing.
Sam: Dean!
Dean appears.
Dean: HEY!
Dean holds up a aerosol bottle and lights the gas. A plume of fire appears. The fire drives Mordechai back.
Dean: Go go go!
Sam runs past him, hunched down below the fire. Dean follows. Sam stops and leans over, holding his throat. Dean stops next to Sam, dropping the aerosol can.
Dean: Come on.
Dean grabs Sam and half drags, half runs with him.
Dean: Look, if Mordechai can't leave the house, and we can't kill him...
Dean stops Sam.
Dean: We improvise.
Dean holds up his lighter, and flicks it to light. He looks at Sam, then throws it back into the room. It bursts into flame. Sam reaches out, as if to stop the fire. Mordechai starts towards the main room. The boys look at each other, Dean nods, and both run outside. Mordechai turns the corner, and stalks his way through the fire, swinging his axe around once. Sam, then Dean, races outside and away from the house. Mordechai stands at the doorway and growls out into the night. The boys are still running, getting some distance from Hell House. On the other side of some spindly trees, Sam stops. Dean stops. They pant. Sam points back to the house.
Sam: That's your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?
Mordechai disappears.
Dean: No one will go in anymore. I mean look, Mordechai can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt. It's fast and dirty but it works.
Sam: Well what if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?
Dean: (whisper) Well... Well, we'll just have to come back.
Sam looks unbelieving at Dean. They watch the house burn.
Sam: Kinda makes you wonder. Of all the thing we hunted... how many existed just cuz people believed in them.
Dean thinks on the implications of what Sam just said. Dean turns back to watch the house burn. The camera rises, showing the house burn in the night. The fire crackles. The screen goes black.



Sam and Dean are hanging out by a picnic table at the campground. Ed and Harry approach carrying grocery bags.
Harry: I was thinking that Mordechai just has a really super high attack bonus.
Ed: Man, I got the munchies right now. (to Sam and Dean) Gentlemen.
Sam: Hey guys.
Sam stands, and both brothers turn to face them.
Harry: pbbt!
Harry and Ed continue to walk to their car. The Winchesters follow.
Harry: Should we tell 'em?
Ed: Oh, you might as well, you know, they're just going to read about it in the trades.
Harry: So this morning we got a phone call from a very important Hollywood producer.
Dean: Oh yeah, wrong number?
Ed: No, smart-ass. He read all about the Hell House on our website and wants to option the motion-picture rights.
They place their grocery bags into a totally overloaded car.
Ed: Maybe even have us write it.
Harry: And create the RPG.
Ed: Oh.
Dean: The what?
Ed: Role playing game.
Dean: Right.
Ed: A little lingo for ya. Anyhoo, ahhh, excuse us, we're off to la-la land.
Both Sam and Dean have smiles that say they are up to something.
Sam: Well congratulations guys. That sounds really great.
Dean: Yeah. That's awesome, best of luck to you.
Ed: Oh yeah, luck. It's got nothing to do with it. It's about talent, you know? Sheer unabashed talent.
They all nod at each other. Ed makes a hand gesture.
Ed: Later.
They get in the car. Ed has a bit of trouble starting the car. Dean and Sam are watching.
Ed: Whewww...
Ed puts it in drive and removes his glasses. He looks up at the brothers, nods, and start pulling off.
Ed: See you around.
The brothers look at each other and chuckle, and head out themselves. Sam has to angle his body to not get hit by the camper.
Dean: Wow.
Sam: I have a confession to make.
Dean: What's that.
Sam: I, uh... I was the one that called them and told them I was a producer.
Sam gives a full wattage smile to Dean. Sam laughs. Dean turns and glances behind before he laughs.
Dean: Well I'm the one who put the dead fish in their back seat.
Sam laughs, looking after them. Dean laughs.
Dean: Ahh.
Sam smiles, looking at his brother.
Sam: Truce?
Dean: Yeah truce. At least for the next 100 miles.
Dean climbs into the driver's seat. Sam sighs, then climbs into the shotgun seat. Dean starts up the Impala and turns on the music. "Burnin' for You" Blue Oyster Cult is playing.
Music:I'm burning I'm burning I'm burning for you
They pull out of the campground, turning right at the end of the road, then an immediate left.
Dean guns the engine.


Executive Producers

Engine noise dies away.

Associate Producer

Story Editors

Director of Photography

Production Designer

Edited by

Music by

Production Manager

First Assistant Director

Second Assistant Director

Casting by

Canadian Casting by


Costume Designer

Set Decorator

Property Master

Key Make-Up Artist

Key Hair Stylist

Assistant Editor


Stunt Coordinator

Special Effects Supervisor

Special Effects Make Up

Sound Mixer

Re-Recording Mixers

Supervising Sound Editor

Music Editorial by

Music Supervisor

Visual Effects Producer

Visual Effects Supervisor

Cameras Provided by

The characters and events depicted in this motion picture are fictional. Any similarity to any actual person, living or dead, or to any actual events, firms, and institutions or other entities, is coincidental and unintentional.

This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries, and its unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Copyright 2006 Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
All rights reserved
Country of first publication
United States of America

Production #2T6916

NS Pictures, Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purpose of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.

Scrap Metal

Sound and Vision

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